Introducing the latest Mercedes-Benz W113 to visit d:class automotive. This 230SL has received a full interior retrim, along with some bodywork, which our neighbours, Multi Tech Coachworks took care of. We'll be taking you through the process of the retrim in this blog post, along with a video feature linked above. Enjoy.
Let's start off by rewinding back to when this 230SL first arrived at d:class. The interior of the vehicle was not factory but had indeed been retrimmed previously. As our customer desired their interior to be like a factory, they decided to spend their time and money with us.
After a lengthy discussion planning colour and material options, we concluded that all the carpets, over mats, seats, door cards, deck lid cover, dashboard, horn push, etc.. were to be retrimmed.
It has to get worse before it gets better...
Like all of our full restorations, we need to make the vehicle look a lot worse in order for it to get better. So, starting with stripping the car, we remove all of the seats, door cards, carpets, and other trim pieces. This is where we remove any old glue, or sound deadening, and arrange repairs if required. This is a golden opportunity to install new sound deadening on a restoration. Here at d:class we recommend products from Dynamat Europe as we use their products on all of our restorations, including this one.
It was time for the seats next, new horsehair foams were installed to provide a sturdy yet comfortable foundation. We then created the seat centre flutes with black-grained basket weave old-timer leather. Once filled, the seat covers are built back up and installed over the new foams.
With the seats being complete and fitted back into the vehicle, you can really appreciate our team's hard work and skillset when comparing what was, to what is new. As mentioned above, these seats are now retrimmed to how Mercedes-Benz would have completed them from the factory, with black-grained old-timer leather and basket weave seat centres. When booking in with us, they had seen one of our previous projects featuring grey carpets with black seats and requested just that, the only change being light grey vinyl for the binding and heel mat.
Our customer can now enjoy their freshly retrimmed 280SL, knowing it has a period-correct interior.
We are very proud of every Mercedes-Benz W113 we restore, and this one is no different. The carpets really help showcase a sophisticated and calm character. We have previously featured W113's which have full tan interiors or even blue. however, this model is the first in a long while to feature black seats, door cards and a dashboard. When booking in with us, our customer had seen one of our previous projects featuring grey carpets with black seats and requested just that.
The carpets have been created with grey box weave, partnered with light grey vinyl binding. Lastly, a new rubber heel mat matching the grey vinyl has been installed.